Projektnamn: Perceived Impact of Sustainable Consumption on the Environment
Projektledare: Aylin Cakanlar, Jönköping International Business School
Anslagsförvaltare: Stockholm School of Economics Institute for Research (SIR)
Beviljat anslag: 322 000kr
Löptid: 2022-06-01 till 2023-06-30
Sammanfattning av projektet:
This project aims to understand consumer perceptions regarding the impact of sustainable
product choices on the environment. Perceived impact—defined as perception of the
positive changes that actions can make (Bandura 1977)—has significant implications for
the engagement of consumers in sustainable behaviors. Individuals are less likely to take
action if they believe their actions will have a minimal impact on the environment. This
sense that sustainable behaviour represents a “drop in the ocean” is one of the reasons why
many consumers do not buy sustainable products or engage in sustainable behaviours,
despite positive attitudes in this regard (Meijers et al. 2022; Trudel 2019). However,
previous literature has not examined how individuals construe the perceived
environmental impact of sustainable products.
This project aims to address this gap and examine potential factors that can lead
individuals to underestimate the impact of sustainable behaviours on the environment. It
will also explore potential interventions to increase perceptions of impact on the
environment and engagement of consumers in high-impact sustainable behaviour.
Specifically, this project has two objectives:
-To explore perceptions of sustainable behaviour on the environment from three
different perspectives, i.e., examining the roles of individual, social, and cognitive factors
that act as important barriers hindering individuals from engaging in sustainable
-To design communication strategies and nudges aimed at enhancing perceptions
of the environmental impact of sustainable behaviour, potentially increasing sustainable
consumption in the marketplace.
The results will contribute to the literature on sustainable consumption and marketing
communications. Moreover, the results of the experiments will have practical
implications for retailers in terms of understanding the use of marketing communication
for sustainable products.